When we think about the key challenges our clients tend to have, they generally fall into four categories.
1. Vision and strategy
“This isn’t an enjoyable business to be part of anymore”
“I’ve got a great idea, but don’t know where to start”
“I want help to take this to the next level”
2. Getting things done
“We have lots of great ideas, but can’t seem to execute them”
“Things just seem to fall through the cracks”
“Everything seems out of control”
3. Performance challenges
“It’s great business, but our cash position always seems risky”
“There’s no stability – we go from feast to famine”
“We don’t have enough profit or growth”
4. Owner independence
“I don’t have the team I need to make real progress”
“I need a more sustainable personal and family life”
“I want out”
Do any of these resonate with you?
You're not alone!